Children from Moldova presented their First Report on the observance of their own rights

AUGUST 12th, 2008

The first CHILDREN’S REPORT on the observance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Moldova was launched in Chisinau, within a media event, with children being the main protagonists.

"We all have noticed that many rights are violated in our country and the children claim their rights," said Adriana Rosca (16) from Zgardesti village, Telenesti. Adriana says one of the most frequently violated right is the one to a family. "Because of parents' migration, many children remain home alone or in the care of grandparents, relatives, neighbors. This negatively influences their education. They need to take care for the whole household and have to give up their education, rest, and thus other child rights are violated," Adriana says. The emotional and physical violence met in many families negatively influence on the development of the child. "The phenomenon is also met in educational institutions, among youths from communities."

Launching the report, the Child Rights Information Center president, Cezar Gavriliuc, has said the children's voice is very important. "The children are the best experts, they know how the Government's actions or non-actions influence their lives and they are directly envisaged by the Government's strategies and policies in terms of protecting children. They also have new and valuable ideas, with future perspective," Cezar Gavriliuc said.

The children notice there emerged more leisure opportunities lately. "However, because of phenomena as migration, poverty and unemployment, many children have to work on farms," says Andrei Postu (17) from Biesti, Orhei. The children notice they have got more sources to inform themselves: there appeared more reading rooms, more of them have access to the Internet. "However, these opportunities can be used mostly by children from the cities."

The right to education is respected because there schools and kindergartens practically in all the localities. "Yet, there are many children not attending the school, but working hard," says Ala Rotaru (15). Children would like the school curricula to offer them more life skills, and the schools to have appropriate equipment. Ala Rotaru points out that the children from the Nistru's left bank have a special situation, as their rights to association, to freedom of speech, to study in their native language are violated.

The Children’s Report "Life through children eyes" was carried with the support of the Save the Children Sweden and the Alliance of Active NGO-s in Social Protection of the Child and the Family (ASPCF). The report was presented to the Geneva-based UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Human Rights, which is to consider it jointly with the Government's Report and with Complementary Report compiled by NGOs.

The Report has been compiled by a team of 20 children aged from 13 to 17, from 14 districts. The 20 children went to their communities and interviewed peers on the way their rights were observed.

One of the most important recommendations of the children's report was that they need steadily monitor the observance of their own rights. Thus, in July 2008 CRIC created the first Children’s Working Group on the monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The group will act 2 years from now and the results of their work will be offered to public and authorities’ agenda, especially those responsible for the protection of the children's rights to education, health and social assistance.

More Information: Cezar Gavriliuc , Daniela Platon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Adresa: Eugen Coca Street no. 15, Chisinau,
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