Life through children’s eyes
Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova | |
» VIAȚA ÎN OCHII COPIILOR. Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova. Chișinău 2008 |
"Life through children's eyes" is the first report of children who monitored their rights . This report complements the Government of Moldova report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2008.
The report was made with the contribution of 20 children from 14 districts of the country. They were helped by adults Elena Harea and Viorica Panaguta and guided by the CRIC's facilitators team Iosif Moldovanu, Cezar Gavriliuc and Daniela Platon.
The report presents children's findings on the following rights:
- - Non-discrimination
- - Family environment
- - Protection from abuse and neglect
- - Healthcare
- - Education
- - Expressing opinion and participation
- - Information
- - Leisure and recreation
The report also includes children's recommendations for the implementation of their ideas on the child rights in the near future.
The 20 children were selected by CRIC team, with the help of its partners in 14 regions of the country.
During the selection process CRIC and its partners strived to ensure diversity in terms of age, gender, living environment and children experience of participation in school and community activities. In this respect, the group consisted of 12 girls and 8 boys, aged between 13 and 18 years.
Working process
The working process was carried out in two stages in the first quarter of 2008, in Chisinau.
Before the first phase, participants received the child friendly version of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children and Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to the Republic of Moldova (2002).
In addition, participants were informed about the history, principles and provisions of the UN Convention. Subsequently, they expressed their views on how child rights are respected in their communities, have discovered and analyzed the factors influencing children's rights.
After the first stage of consultation, participants returned back home and collected the views of other children on how their rights are respected in the family, school and community.
Returning to Chisinau for the second stage of consultation, participants identified the main features of children's rights situation in Moldova. These were introduced in the draft report. Also, at this stage, children have formulated recommendations for better implementation of the Convention in the country.
Next, children talked about the report and child rights in general. They participated in shows and gave interviews to media representatives or were quoted by the media in their materials.
At the end of the process, the participants suggested CRIC to systematically and regularly consult children and young people on child rights. This led to the establishment of a nationwide child rights monitoring group, which was active in 2008-2011.
In October 2008 two members of the Reflection Group presented children's report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva.
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