Child Rights Monitored by Children
Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova | |
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» DREPTURILE COPILULUI MONITORIZATE DE COPII. Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova. Chișinău 2012 |
"Child Rights Monitored by Children" is the third children's report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Moldova, issued in 2012. The report was developed by 74 children - members of 17 Child Rights Working Groups (CRWG) from Leova and Orhei districts, as well as the children from the Reflection Group, supported CRIC.
The report includes children's findings and recommendations on child rights and the views of the Reflection Group on the National Strategy for Child and Family Protection (consultation of the draft was initiated by the Government). From September 2011 to November 2012, children monitored in their localities the following rights:
· Right to education
· Rights to protection from abuse and violence
· Right to opinion and participation.
The first part of the report contains member's findings about children's rights. It was developed by 58 children aged 12 to 15 years, members of 17 Working Groups from 11 communities of Leova and Orhei districts.
Each Working Group had 2-3 students from the same class / school, supported and coordinated by an adult (teacher of civic education, deputy director or psychologist) from the community.
The second part of the report includes children's visions on the Strategy. It was developed by the members of the Reflection Group - 23 children, representatives of Children's Consultative Councils from Calarasi, Falesti, Ungheni, CRWG Leova and Orhei, peer-mediators from Calarasi, graduates of boarding school and volunteers from organizations which support people with disabilities from Chisinau.
Working process
Since May 2011 until the end of 2012, CRIC has supported CRWG members by organizing the following activities:
· 4 training sessions lasting 3-4 days each. Participants got knowledge about the CRC, examined the relationship between rights holders and duty bearers, identified institutions and services responsible for the implementation of child rights from own community. Also, the Group members were introduced to the concept of monitoring the CRC, developed monitoring indicators and established methods of data collection.
· 8 regional workshops lasting half a day each, held once every 2-3 months. During the workshops the Group members were helped to develop tools and apply various methods of data collection (observation, questionnaire, interview etc.), analyse the collected data, compile them, draw conclusions and recommendations on monitoring results.
· 4 meetings with stakeholders at district and national level organized to submit the report: joint session with the school principals from Leova and Orhei (May 2012), joint session with the National Council for Child Protection (May 2012), National Children's Forum (November 2012), Reflection Group to consult children on the priorities of the National Strategy for Child and Family Protection (July, October 2012).
Media stories about the Report and the Group
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