CIDDC - Centrul de Informare şi Documentare privind Drepturile Copilului din Moldova

Studiul "Copiii din Republica Moldova: si(n)guri online?" a fost lansat recent la Chişinău

De ziua internaţională a siguranţei pe internet, marcată pe 7 februarie, la Chişinău a fost lansat studiul "Copiii din Republica Moldova: si(n)guri online?". (format PDF) Potrivit autorilor, scopul studiului a fost identificarea şi analiza comportamentului online al copiilor cu efect potential riscant, implicarea adulţilor în asigurarea unui grad mai înalt de siguranţă online a copiilor.

An initiative in support of migrant parents in Russia and CEI

BICE has published the Russian version of the guide : « My child was left behind » addressed to migrant workers whose children are left behind in their own country.
This guide aims to help parents and children manage this separation : maintaining ties, handling the isolation, preserving family unity, preparing the reunion.
« My child was left behind » was developed by the French association ALC and the Moldavian association CRIC, two partners of BICE, and was published in French, Romanian and Bulgarian. Today, BICE has taken up the initiative and is publishing the guide in Russian, for widespread distribution in Russia and in CEI, where work-related migrations are extremely common and where the phenomenon of “children left behind” is gaining ground.

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